
Friday, January 30, 2015

3 in 5 Art Challenge Day 1....Trees

'Magic of the LowCountry'           16x20          pastel           ©Karen Margulis
I am on a cruise this week. The internet is slow and expensive at sea so I am taking a technology break. While I am away I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite work. If you are on Facebook than you probably have seen the 3 in 5 Art Challenge that has been going around. It is like a chain letter for artists!  If you are nominated you post 3 paintings for 5 days. Each day you nominate another artist to share. The challenge has resulted in an explosion of wonderful art on my Facebook timeline. For the next few posts I'd like to share my 3 in 5 paintings here.

I was nominated last week by my good friend Marsha Savage. Marsha was my first pastel teacher and she is a wonderful teacher and artist. She paints the most magnificent  trees. For my first post I decided to share some of my own tree paintings.  I hope you enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. I love these! I got nominated to do this too, and thought I wouldn't be able to keep up. Doing three paintings a day for five days in a row would be reckless even if they're small ones!

    So that's my own twist on it, trying to do new paintings or at least sketches. I figured it'd get me sketching more if I have to do three new sketches a day instead of one - it doesn't take that long to sketch.

    Yours are incredible! I love all three of these tree paintings. They are so varied and dramatic. You don't just use the same composition over and over, you vary it constantly and every one is so balanced and effective. Each tree has so much character!

    Love it, so glad you're doing this. But I won't tag you because you already got tagged.


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