
Sunday, February 01, 2015

3 in 5 Art Challenge...the Southwest

'Moab Magic'           8x10        pastel          ©Karen Margulis     sold
On day two of the Facebook 3 in 5 Art Challenge I visited the Southwest. It was hard to choose just 3 of my southwest paintings.  I love to paint the desert. It speaks to me and I never turn down a trip if it involves the Southwest!  
The top painting was started at the last IAPS convention in a workshop with Bill Creevy. We were working with pastels and water on multimedia art board. It takes a lot of abuse so I continued to work and layer pastel once I returned home. This painting was purchased by one of my students.

The painting above is an 8x10 plein air study that I painted in October at Richard McKinley's workshop in Abiqui New Mexico. This was an amazing experience and I painted up a storm!  I will be doing larger paintings from my studies.

This is a small 5x7 oil on panel. Yes I do paint with oils and I enjoy it. I just don't have enough time to do everything I want to do!  This painting was purchased by a special collector in Australia.

Are you on Facebook? The 3/5 art challenge is still going on as new artists are nominated. Check it out! I'd love for you to 'like' my Facebook page.

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