
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Have Fun with Photo Collages

A collection of 6x6 nest paintings          pastel on black paper          ©Karen Margulis
available $45 each
I have made a rediscovery. I forgot about this website and how much fun I had making photo collages of my paintings. I was recently reviewing my notes for my talk on blogging at the upcoming IAPS convention when I came across the link to   Picmonkey is a photo editor, graphic designer and collage maker. I have only used it for making collages of my paintings but I plan to explore some of the other features.

There is a free version and a premium version of PicMonkey.  I am happy with what I can do with the free version. They also offer a mobile app which I plan to explore as well.

Today I had fun with some bird nests. I love painting nests. They are the perfect subject for exploring mark making. For these little paintings I used 6x6 black Artagain paper. This paper is very smooth with no tooth at all. It is fun to paint on because it forces you to put a mark down and leave it alone. You can't get too many layers at all so it is a great challenge. When I was finished I took photos of each painting and put them in a photo collage with PicMonkey! Give it a try!

Wishing a very Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms! Relax and have a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the simplicity of concept, yet complexity of palette combinations. I have some of the paper you mention...will try this. Always learn from you. Thanks.


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