
Friday, May 12, 2017

Spring Cleaning Studio Sale!

'The Plight of the Bumblebee'         18x24        pastel       ©Karen Margulis
available in my etsy shop Spring Sale
Things have been piling up in my studio! What with workshops, trips and a wedding I have neglected  my commitment to better organization!  I have a good system for storing my finished paintings but every once in awhile I get slack and don't file things where they belong. So I am spending some time this week putting things back in order.

Maybe you'd like to help?!!  I would like to offer some of my larger paintings at a nice discount of 50%. I would much rather these paintings find a good home where they can be enjoyed rather than being stacked in my studio. Some of them are my favorites and I would love for them to come out from under the glassine!

I have 29 paintings available in the Spring sale section of my Etsy shop. To take advantage of the discount simple use the coupon code SPRING17 when you check out. To see all of the available paintings visit my etsy shop here: SPRING SALE on ETSY

Here are a few paintings that are available:




1 comment:

  1. Very wonderful paintings !!!
    Have a nice and creative week Karen !!!


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