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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

New Video Demo Release on YouTube: Painting a Winter Landscape

'The Road Home'               6x8             pastel              ©Karen Margulis
available. $95

I know that I have spring fever. I am sure many of you do as well. But I couldn't help sharing one last winter painting before we move on! There is a method to my madness though!  March will be 'Beach Month' both here on the blog and over on my Patreon Page.  Did you know that many of the techniques used to paint snow can also be applied to painting sand?  I will show you how in the coming days!

To get you started check out this winter landscape demo video that is now available on my YouTube channel. This video was first released on Patreon and is now available on YouTube.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don't miss a new release!  Thanks for watching!

My demo board

Thanks for your support on Patreon! If you haven't given it a try yet consider heading over to check it out. In March we will explore painting shadows, painting beaches, a paint-Along video series, an in depth member painting critique and much more!

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