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Monday, May 29, 2006

A Busy Day of Painting

It was nice to have an extra day off so I could paint! Today I did these two using the watercolor underpainting. Yes, I ended up covering it all up! But it toned the white paper nicely! I really like working with my new Heilman box. I just have to share this funny story. I took my box into the art store yesterday and the cashier and a customer at the counter went nuts over it. My daughter thought it was so funny how we can get so excited over a box of art stuff! I wish you could see these in real life...they are much brighter and lighter than the paintings I have done on the belgium mist paper.


kim denise said...

Hi Karen!

Catching up on everyone's blogs...and I see such growth here! I really enjoyed your posts about the Handell workshop--how I wish I'd been there--and you clearly made the most of it.

I'm so glad I stopped by!

Karen said...

Hi Kim!
I'm glad you stopped by! The workshop was great and it will be interesting to see what effects it has on my work.
Thanks again for looking! I so admire your work!