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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mysterious Moss

'Mysterious Moss' 12 x 18

I am on a roll today! I started this painting weeks ago but never felt like finishing it. Today it called to me. This was from a photo I took on our painting trip to Providence Canyon. When we arrived at our cabin it was late afternoon and the light was perfect. We wandered down to the lake and I was captivated by theses moss covered trees. You would think it would seem ominous...but it was just the opposite. It was very quiet and peaceful.


I've had some time to reflect on my workshop experience and what Albert & Anita said to me during the farewell critique. I've come up with some things I want to work on in my paintings. They felt that my strength was in intimate landscapes. They especially liked the plein air paintings I had done. They said I should stay away from ducks & shells! I won't do that though since I really enjoy painting birds. I will work on my landscapes though. I want my paintings to be subtle and have some mystery...not to be developed all over. I want the viewer to fill in the blanks. I want my colors to sing more...I will use more neutrals and try white paper more often. I want to be sensitive to my subject and try to have a delicate, sensitive touch with my strokes and my colors. I want to stay away from 'sweet' paintings....well, I can do those just for fun! I want to draw more and develop my drawing skills so that good drawing is evident in my work. That should be enough to work on for awhile!

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