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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Painting the Deep Dark Woods!

'In the Woods' 9 x 12
On Day Four of the workshop we had the afternoon free to paint on our own. We were excited about returning to the river to paint the falls. So Marsha, Virginia, Jeannie, Randy, Bob and I headed out to the river with our gear. Unfortunately the weather wasn't looking very good. I decided to stick close to the car and set up near the picnic table with Virginia. After awhile the sun came out and I was able to do this painting...just in time though...another storm rolled in and we all quickly had to throw our gear into the car before the sky opened up....plein air excitement at it's finest! For this painting I used white wallis paper as Albert suggested. He felt it would make my colors 'sing' better. Today I went to our local art store and bought 15 schminke pastels....the greens he said I was lacking. Tomorrow I really want to try a watercolor underpainting so stay tuned for more!

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