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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Workshop Plein Air Painting

'Morning Shadows' 9 x 12

On the first day of the Terry Ludwig workshop, we met in the city park in Blue Ridge Georgia. Terry did a demonstration painting and then we were set loose to paint. I was intrigued by the shadow patterns from the Dogwood and rhododendron bushes. I used the technique that Terry showed us which is very different from the way I usually start a painting. He doesn't use hard pastels first....he gets right into it and lays out his colors using his own soft pastels. Then he takes a piece of foam pipe insulation and blends the pastel making an underpainting. I enjoyed painting this way and will try it again! Critique he gave on this painting: Good color in the shadows, strong painting...he gave me a gold star and that felt very nice!

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