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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Work in Progress...Arches National Park

Here is my latest painting that I am doing as a work in progress to show the steps I usually go through when I paint. This is another one of my homework assignments...I am taking a painting I did before and doing something different, I am documenting each step and I am using different colors for me...that actually covers 3 of the assignments! I painted this same scene exactly a year ago. I thought it would be fun to revisit it and see how much I have learned this past year. This time I am doing it larger 18 x 24 and on white Wallis paper. The first thing I did after my value sketch (not shown) was to draw the major shapes with a pastel pencil. Then I took some nupastels and blocked in the darks with some blues and purples and oranges. I was tempted to do an alcohol wash but instead I just rubbed the pastel into the paper with foam pipe insulation. It kind of looked like a watercolor minus the drips. Then in step three, still using hard pastels, I reinforced the darks and added the lightest light and the most intense color (orange). The fourth step I just continued with hard pastels building up more colors. I try to make these first layers as colorful and vibrant as I can...I can always tone it down. Now I will let it sit for awhile and start another one. I have 2 or 3 big ones I want to get started on.

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