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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Conch Shell Bahamas

'Washed Ashore' 11x14 pastel
My husband can never guess what I am going to paint next! How can you paint a piece of cake and then switch hears and paint a shell on the beach??? It's easy! There is so much that calls out to be painted and last night it was this conch shell.
Some news to share....I delivered five paintings to the Gallery in North Carolina (David's Fine Art) He was very pleased and took all of them and is going to give me more wall space so that is exciting! I also made the local paper. 'The Cherokee Scout'. The gallery owner donated one of my paintings for a silent auction to benefit the library and there was a nice bit about me and a photo of my painting in the paper.
And finally, I am headed out to Denver tomorrow to start my 10 day SW tour. I will be visiting Taos, Santa Fe, Great Sand Dunes Natl Park, Antero Hot Springs cabins near Beauna Vista, Co, Ouray , CO and Moab, Utah. Whew! I have my pastels packed and lots of memory cards for my cameras. I plan to keep posting so stay tuned for updates!


Jo Castillo said...

This is gorgeous. I think you put up the large image by mistake.

Have a great time on your trip! I will be thinking of you. :)


Anonymous said...


Karen said...

Thank you!! This was fun to paint. I appreciate your comments!
