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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Nest Painting...Hummingbird's Nest

'Tiny Jewels' 5x7 pastel

It was time for another nest painting and I decided to paint a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's nest. No, unfortunately I didn't find a real nest though I do have some excellent reference photos of the hummers we saw out in Colorado! This painting is based on several photos and information I've read about how these birds build their nest. I found it facsinating to read about their nests. They use spider webs to attach the moss and lichens to their tiny nests. It's also amazing to think that the eggs are only the size of TicTacs!

Website Update: I have been working at adding to my new website so if you haven't stopped by please have a look. I'd love to hear what you think so I can improve it!

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