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Monday, September 24, 2007

Stormy Path...30 Minute Studies

'Stormy Path' 8x10 pastel
I came across a great challenge by pastel artist Deborah Secor over at Wetcanvas. She challenged us to do ten '30 minute' paintings...or at least to set a timer and paint no more than 30 minutes. The idea is to be quick and loose and spontaneous and to hopefully carry over that freshness to all of our work. This is my first one...exactly 30 minutes. The gesso & pumice surface of this board was perfect for painting quickly and without a lot of detail. I'll be posting more of these throughout the week. Company arrives Thursday and my daughter's birthday activities will fill the weekend but I will have time to sneak into my studio!

1 comment:

Craig Smith said...

Really like this piece. I discovered pastels about a year ago. I am enjoying the medium greatly. I am slowly getting the hang of it.
Thanks for the wonderful art!!