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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Low Country Live Oak Tree

'Southern Beauty' 16x20 pastel
Our Creighton Island paintng trip is getting close and I wanted to try some moss covered oak trees for practice. I had a piece of Canson board in burgandy that I though I might as well use. I am not a big fan of canson paper but I thought maybe the thicker board would be better....well I was wrong! It was the wrong side of the paper (which is actually what canson considers to be the right side) So I fought with all those dimples the whole time. If you enlarge the photo you can see the texture of the paper. I'd like to try another tree on a different surface. I spent the day today getting the rest of my trip supplies..a new sleeping bag and lantern and some fleece paints. I want to be ready for all kinds of weather!

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