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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cruise Ship Series...Life Boat Drill

'The Life Boat Drill' 8x10 pastel
I decided to step outside my comfort zone and try painting some figures. Last year on our cruise I took lots of reference photos of people around the ship. I thought it would make a fun series. Small problem with that idea...I don't paint people! But if I don't ever try and practice it will never happen so here is my attempt. I'd like to say I will do one paintng a week with a person or people. That would be a good goal for me. Tommorrow I am going to paint with Jayne and Holly. I think I'll work on some of my homework assignments.

1 comment:

Miki Willa said...

This is very good for someone who doesn't do figures. You have a great eye, and the talent to share what you see. I am impressed, as always.