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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sunset over the Marsh

'Peaceful Evening' 12x24 pastel
This is one of those painitngs where the little blog photo doesn't do it justice. It is an odd size for me and also larger than I usually paint. In real life, it is very restful. This scene is from Creighton Island and it is the view of the marsh in front of our cabin. We were all sitting around the campfire one evening lamenting that the clouds prevented a sunset. At one point someone looked up and pointed out the red and pink clouds that had formed over the field. Everyone ran for their cameras and headed to the included...but when I came out of my cabin I noticed these wonderful pink clouds over the marsh. The far marsh grasses were just glowing with color. It was a perfect moment of tranquility and beauty.


Paula Ann Ford said...

Oh my gosh...this is so gorgeous Karen!!


Karen said...

Thanks Paula. Wish you could see it in real looks so different I think!