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Friday, June 12, 2009

Smoky Mountain Morning Pastel Painting

'Smoky Mountain Morning' 8x10 pastel
Last Sunday we drove the Miata up to ride the 'Tail of the Dragon'. It is a road at the border of North Carolina and Tennessee and it has 318 curves in 11 miles! Before we got there we had to stop to take photos of this wonderful field of purple flowers. (Thanks Carolyn) I have tried to look them up but I'm not sure what they are. They were tall and came in various shades of purples...not lupines...and had very fine 'dill like' leaves. Anybody know what they are? They sure made a statement though! Oh, the road was fun too!


Cynthia said...

Another the bkgrd trees....sounds like a road near to where I used to live,,,it had about 319 curves and was 12 miles long and ALL DOWNHILL........yikes!!!You don´t want to hear about Wintertime there.

Karen said...

Wow! Now that is a crazy road!!

Bee Happy Farm said...

I believe the flowers were larkspur (aka delphinium). Sure would look good on my wall!

Karen said...

Thank you so much Mary! That has been bugging me. I would love for this to be on your wall too!