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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Arches National Park...Finished!

I need help with a title! I seem to have trouble coming up with good titles for my paintings. I'll have to think about this one for a bit. I finished this one this morning after working on it for three class sessions...a record for me! I really didn't mind taking my time on this one but for me to work like that, I think the subject matter really has to call to me as this one did. Arches National Park and the Moab, Utah area is one of my favorite places to visit. When you see Arches for the first time, the size and brilliant colors of the rocks are almost unbelievable. It seems as if you are on another planet. Each Arch and rock formation is like a sculpture. If you are there at sunset or late afternoon, you will be treated to an amazing display of color....the rocks seem to be on fire with blazing reds and oranges. It's an unforgettable sight. I have tried to capture the colors and scale of the arches in this painting. It is special to me because the figures you see are actually my two children. Arches was one of their favorite National Parks as well! I hope you enjoy this painting. Thanks Marsha for your insight and help...let me know if I missed anything!

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