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Friday, December 16, 2005

The Year in Review

'Plein Air Daisies'
This week on Wet Canvas, which is an art site I love to follow, (see link on sidebar) everyone on the Pastel Forum was invited to submit their favorite or most meaningful painting of 2005. I chose this one because I feel it was the most meaningful painting for me. I started taking lessons with Marsha Savage last January and it was the best thing I could have done! I dicovered quickly that I really loved pastels. They suited me and it was so much fun! But it wasn't until I took a Plein Air Workshop at Marsha's cabin in Blue Ridge, Georgia...that I really decided to get serious about my painting. I realized how important it was for me to paint. It was the perfect creative outlet for me...and believe me, I have tried everything over the years! (this was also where Jayne & I discovered that we were kindred spirits..and for that I am grateful) This painting of the daisies was done on location at the home of Mrs. Parks in Blue Ridge. I was packing up my supplies after a morning of painting plein air with the group. I couldn't resist trying to do a quick study of the daisies. So I set my easel up and quickly painted them. It just seemed to flow for me and it was so enjoyable. I was thrilled when during the critique, Marsha said she wouldn't mind owning this painting. I realized that perhaps I had something to offer with my paintings.

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