
Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to be a Better Painter... part one

'Desert Greens'             11x14           pastel           ©Karen Margulis
You just have to take the first step.  It is a journey as my teacher and good friend Marsha Savage likes to say. Being an artist of any medium is the most wonderful thing because the journey....the actual learning how to paint or use your medium never ends. There is always something new to learn and discover. We may stumble or move backwards at times but it is really the process of learning that can be the most exciting thing of all. We just need to understand and embrace it.

I love being an artist because of the never ending opportunity to learn. Improving my skills through practice is one thing. Study is another. I am a perpetual student. If I could have stayed in college and be a professional student I would have! Being an artist is like that. We have so many opportunities to learn and grow as an artist....technique, composition, art history, study other work, read books, watch dvds, take classes and workshops....the list is endless.

Taking a workshop in Iceland...Stan Sperlak doing a demo.
I set mini goals for myself to make sure I continue to improve my work and understanding of art. One of those goals is to continue to be challenged as a student and not just as a teacher. I was thrilled to get a spot in Richard McKinley's mentoring workshop this October that will be held at one of my favorite areas of the country....Abiquiu New Mexico. It is an advanced workshop and students can work in either oil or pastel. I am seriously considering oil as it would give me the opportunity to immerse myself for a week with oils... a no excuse approach! I can't wait!

Take the first step in your journey....or continue (or maybe change direction) in your path by looking into classes or workshops for the fall!  My six week pastel sessions start August 27th and I have a few openings. I also offer private sessions for local and out of town artists. If you are not in the Atlanta area consider online feedback sessions. Or consider hosting a workshop in your town...more on this soon.

Finally, plan to come to the next IAPS convention June 2-7 2015 in Albuquerque NM. I will be presenting two demos/seminars along with many other wonderful artists. The program will be announced in August! Check their website for updates.

Visit my workshop page for more information on any class or send me an email and just ask questions!


  1. Karen, that's a huge motivator to try to sell art and make a living again. I really want to improve my health enough to do so now, because I'd love to take your workshops at least online. You're one of my favorite artists and I've been following your blog loosening up for a long time.

    Great essay on learning and growth. There's more to learn than any one artist can encompass in one lifetime and every one of us contributes more by constant invention. Sometimes that happens while looking at basics again. Or something that had been difficult comes smoothly and something new opens up because of that!


  2. i love Richards work and have watched his video's on the artists tv website..i would go with the pastel!..yes getting his insights on oil would be great , but aren't you primarily a pastel artist?..

  3. You already have made long range plans...good for you as I find that hard to do. I always wonder if something more exciting may come along. Welcome to NM and Albuquerque soon and in 2015

  4. Thanks Carol and Tim! Yes I am primarily a pastel artist but I am interested in getting more comfortable with oils and just need the time to immerse myself with them. I did a pastel workshop with Richard so I am still considering the oils!


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