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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back from Terry Ludwig's Workshop!

'It's All About Value' 9 x 12

It was a WONDERFUL weekend! Great friends, beautiful scenery, lots of laughs and painting and learning from a fantastic teacher...Terry Ludwig! Who could ask for anything more? I want to give a full report but I have so much to talk about! It will probably take a week of posting to cover it all. First let me say thank Terry for making the workshop fun and sharing his knowledge with us. To Marsha for organizing everything and just being the great teacher and person she is. To Jayne, Holly and Sherry....thank you all for being great friends...I know we will have many more fun painting experiences together. I'll start my report with explaining the painting I chose to post first. We had to paint inside today due to weather....The dreaded still life!!! After Terry did his demo painting, we decided to set up our own still life of a can of paint brushes. Not too bad I thought..lots of color and it might even be fun. Then Terry threw a wrench into that plan when he said we could only chose a few pastels of different values and not to worry about color!!! That is HARD! But I was there to learn after all. I chose about 7 blue and purple pastels and got to work. I struggled with it but in the end Terry said I 'done good!' It was a good example of painting with a limited palette. So out of all my paintings from this weekend...this one will have the most meaning because it was the hardest for me! Stay tuned for more!

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