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Monday, May 22, 2006

Albert Handell Workshop Report Day 1

I am reporting from Dawsonville, Georgia where I am attending a 5 day workshop with Albert Handell and Anita Louise West. It was a full day of learning and painting. Where do I even begin! I took notes and took lots of pictures and it will take some time to absorb and process everything! This morning Albert and Anita talked about how to organize your pastel palette and used a Heilman box. I loved their system...of course they had the Heilman boxes for sale and yes... I bought the backpack size! Wait until you see it! It is so small and light! This afternoon we painted on a wonderful farm...full of buildings and fields and horses. I could paint there all week. I did two paintings today... Above is a picture of Albert Handell critiquing my painting. He said it had a lot of nice things going on and he really like the way I did the tree. It was a successful day. Tomorrow we are painting in the woods all day...stay tuned for more!

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