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Monday, June 05, 2006

Ernie goes Home!

I love it when I paint something and that painting touches someone else in some way. That happened with this Snowy egret painting. I really liked him and even went so far as to frame it and hang it up even though it was in my ebay store. Someone else liked him too and bought him over the weekend....let me share what she wrote to me...
"I recognized Ernie the moment I saw him; he has that characteristic "pose". Also, the way his crest curls in the wind is quite distinctive. One day, on one of our first trips to Sanibel, I was floored to see him exploring people's beach blankets! You've captured him the way I picture him. And the colors in that painting are gorgeous!"
As it turns out, this buyer has a condo at the same place we stay on this very well could be Ernie! I'm glad she decided to take him home!

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