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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekend Trip Report

When it least you get mushrooms!! That's the story of our weekend trip to the North Carolina mountains. Jayne and I set out Friday with the hopes of getting lots of plein air painting practice in preparation for the fall trip to Creighton Island. We woke up Saturday to rain!!!! It was a gray drizzly day and it didn't look promising for painting....but we went for a walk and discovered MUSHROOM HEAVEN!!! I never knew there were so many kinds of mushrooms and they were all right on my parents wooded lot. Jayne and I took hundreds of photos. We went for a ride and saw lots of wonderful mountain scenery...old barns, cattle, wildflowers..and somehow we ended up at the John C. Campbell Folk School...we hope to take a class there someday! By the end of ythe weekend we had my parents and my Aunt Carol looking at mushrooms in a different light...I don't think they will be knocking them over anymore! Oh...I planned to visit the gallery that shows my work and guess was closed....'Gone camping' the sign on the door said! Oh well...we still had a wonderful trip! Here is a photo I took of a very cool red mushroom. Look for some mushrom paintings in the future!

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