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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Autumn Marsh Practice

'Early Afternoon' 8x10 pastel
It's fun to try to paint the many moods of the marsh. On this particular day I was treated to all kinds of weather. It started out cloudy and then the wind picked up, blew the clouds away and ended in a picture perfect blue-sky day! I am getting so excited to get back to the marshes and the scenery on Creighton Island....a Barrier Island off the Georgia coast. I am also excited to report that we've booked a cruise for January. We got a great deal for a ship that leaves from no long drive to Florida this time! I haven't been to Cozumel since I started painting so I can't wait to spend the day at Nachi Cocum painting and lounging on the beach. (not sure if I spelled that right)

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