My Painting 'Summer Reprise' on the cover of the May/June Issue of Pastel Journal |
I have to pinch myself to make sure it is real! I was thrilled to get the news that my painting was chosen for the cover of the May/June issue of Pastel Journal. It was icing on the cake. I was already excited to have my wildflower paintings featured in an article and now the cover! I can't wait to get my magazine in the mail!
I discovered a passion for painting the often overlooked 'weeds' as my husband calls them. It is a subject that I am drawn to no matter where I am. I always paint the 'big' view then settle down to find the wildflowers. They speak to me. I hope that you enjoy reading the article. If you don't get Pastel Journal (put it on your list!) you can purchase the issue
a peek at the article |
To celebrate the cover and article I have listed a new group of my wildflower paintings in my Etsy Shop. I would like to offer my blog readers and collectors a 10% savings on any wildflower painting. Visit my
Etsy shop here and use coupon code PJW 10
If you would like to see my process for painting wildflowers consider my pdf demo How to Paint Daisies.
Click here for more information.
I am honored to be asked to present two programs at IAPS 2015 June in Albuquerque. I will be doing a demo on How to Paint Wildflowers and a seminar on Art Blogging. Make plans to come to this fantastic convention!
Congratulations !
You deserve it !
well done Karen...what a wonderful comment on your beautiful paintings. I'm not at all surprised....you can tell you paint what you are passionate about....huge congratulations. i will look forward to getting my (digital) copy soon!
cheers, linda
Congratulations Karen. Well deserved.
Congratulations, Karen, on a well-deserved honor. I know of no one else who so unselfishly gives of their time and knowledge, sharing with strangers on the web. Every day I visit your blog without fail, (after the news and financial sites) because it always leaves me with something very positive for the day. And even though I haven't touched my pastels for the past eight months because of a feverish commitment to a building project, I look forward to returning to them soon, and with your helpful advice and role model, I expect to continue making strides in becoming the artist I want to be.
I look forward to my copy of Pastel Magazine this month even more than usual.
Thanks for all you do,
Congratulations, it must be very exciting!
Congratulations Karen... beautiful cover painting!
Congratulations, Karen...very cool!!
Congrats Karen, your work is wonderful. You inspire me everyday as I work up the courage to begin pastel painting.
Congratulations Karen! I havnt received my Pastel Journal yet ! I'm peppering because I can't wait to see it!
What a well deserved Article.
You are a cover girl !
Congrats!!..always loved that painting of yours..I have been awaiting the arrival of the magazine myself..i get the digital ,but miss the actual magazine..anyway, well done..
Well deserved recognition, Karen ! I can't wait to get my copy of Pastel Journal
Congratulations! I can hardly wait for this issue to arrive! Youcertainly deserve this recognition. Also: Thank you for the generosity you show with the help you share in this blog. I've learned a lot from you.
And a most gorgeous cover it is!! Many congratulations, Karen! I suspect that we, your regular readers, will soon be sharing you with many more lucky soon-to-be fans who will find out what a fabulous teacher you are and how awesome your blog is. All the best to you...
Congratulations!!! What an honor!!! I can't wait to see your beautiful painting on the cover!
Karen- this is so amazing! Congratulations!!
Congratulations Karen! I am so happy for you. I just subscribed to the Pastel Magazine and can't wait to see your painting on the cover. A well deserved honor!
Yay! Karen! Don't have my copy yet but looking forward to it. Huge congrats!
Karen, I have followed you for over a year. You are openly generous with your experiences, knowledge and encouragement. I am happy for your hard earned success. Hope to meet you in NM.
Congratulations. This is a well deserved honor.
Congratulations Karen! A well-deserved honour! You are so generous sharing your knowledge and I appreciate every blog entry!
Cheers!! :-)
Congratulations Karen, you sooooo deserve it! Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration you lavish on your blog--- it is very much appreciated. Julie Perth WA
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