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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Georgia Mountain Farm

Afternoon at Stower's Farm 11 x 14

Last night at pastel class Marsha did a demo with watercolor underpainting. I wanted to do one too but I didn't have white maybe today I will. We had free choice of subject matter and I couldn't decide between this one and two caribbean scenes! I figured I should do this farm scene while it is still very fresh in my mind. This was from a photo I took at the farm we painted at during the Albert Handell workshop. I finished it today...though I'll bring it back to class for I mean!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen
haven/t seen your art for a long while ... and WOW these are all lovely! Will settle and read your recent posts over the W/E when I get a minute. Adding you to my blog-roll!